Nurturing Pregnancy Care and Support

The Offering

From the union of love, two cells are formed from which grows a human being, some view it as a biological event, but it is always viewed as a miracle of the human body and life. A personally tailored Bodywork treatment, individually created for each Mum. I meet you, ‘where you are at in your pregnancy” – Evolving and changing as the baby grows and your own body learns to accommodate for the growth of the baby. I approach Pregnancy Massage as a very special and precious time in the life of the Mother and the unborn babe, nurturing both. It is a specialized partnership between – therapist, Mum, and Bub right from the onset of pregnancy through to full term. Open communication is always encouraged and time is taken to ensure that absolute comfort of Mum throughout the entire treatment. At every week of the baby’s development, means changes within Mums body, so particular consideration is given at each treatment, as different symptoms and conditions present themselves.

The Healing

  • Promotes relaxation
  • Relieves muscle cramps and spasms – including lower back pain, neck hips and legs
  • Increases circulation and skin elasticity
  • Reduces fatigue.

The Experience

Pregnancy support pillows and Bolster are used in this treatment to support the your body and the baby. Did you know? As early as 12 weeks the unborn baby responds to external stimuli – so massage not only benefits Mum but baby as well. This treatment is available in studio or in the comfort of your own home – a small travel fee applies to mobile bookings. Length: 90 minutes.  Cost: $150