Prana Bodywork Practise

The Offering

A multifaceted, interactive sensory Bodywork experience – empowering you to release emotional blocks, which enables a clearing of physical manifestations within your body using a combination of diverse ancient and modern healing techniques and modalities. 

Within this sensory experience, we address your physical symptoms of pain, tension and or discomfort within your body which manifests through emotional blocks, fears or resistance. 

Using the powerful positive influence of affirmations, guided breathing techniques, crystals, sounds, and conscious thought, we work together to release these emotional blocks within your body, all guided by my intuition and knowledge of human anatomy. With mindful guided manipulation, we lovingly allow your body to recognise what needs to be released and support it to let go of what is not  necessary in a gentle and loving way to self, so that you can move forward into your abundant life.

Each treatment is individually tailored to the way that your body is currently presenting and will change with ongoing treatments. An insight into where you can focus your own personal awareness is also offered at each treatment by selecting your own personalised Australia Bush Flower Card.

The Healing

  • Opens to the opportunity of a deep spiritual healing experience
  • Healing, Grounding, and Inspirational opportunities
  • Deepen your experience with conscious personal set intention for this Practise.
  • Multi-faceted, so many healing modalities are being used in the one treatment.
  • Healing for the mind, body, spirit, and consciousness.

The Experience

This treatment is available in studio only.

 If you wish to purchase the Australian Bush Flower Essence that you choose it is available for purchase at an additional cost.

This treatment is a collective combination of everything that I have learned and use in my own personal healing tools since embarking on my natural health journey.

It is a supportive, yet powerful and nurturing treatment that is designed for people who are devoted to their health journey and evolution. 

I strongly suggest that a clean diet and adequate water consumption is followed 72 hrs prior to and post this treatment.

Length: 120 minutes.  Cost: $200