Intuitive Holistic Bodywork Treatment

The Offering

This is my showcase; this is my offering – this is my craft.

 Unique, personalised, sensory and deep. 

The best way that I can describe this offering is that it is me.  It is my baby, my soul work – my life calling – it is the essence of me and comes from within. 

Every single aspect of my own healing, my own learning, and my own experience has gone into create this work. It is supported by a thorough knowledge, understand and love of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. 

This treatment is a 30-year investment in my own journey, and I offer it, and everything within it, to you – my client.

If I can offer anything to the world, it is this treatment which is a combination of hands-on healing – massage and Reiki. It is lovingly supported with crystals, Australian Bush Flower Essence, Remedies, and conscious breathe. 

It is the emotional and physical insight and feelings that I get when I move rhythmically throughout the body – listening, feeling, and delivering on my instincts.

It truly is a holding of the space, it’s the opportunity to be heard, to feel into what that means, to connect into your own healing, and I act as a catalyst for this to transpire. I am truly and deeply honoured to be able to present you with this opportunity to connect in.

This is my currency, my soul work – my life calling – it’s me.

90 minutes – $150

The Healing

  • A deeply spiritual, physical, and emotional healing experience
  • Physical Bodywork treatment, including all aspect of massage related techniques for maximum muscle release and rejuvenation.
  • The added benefit and healing qualities of Reiki- creating energetic flow and harmony.
  • Connecting into and opening to the vibrational energy of the Australian Bush Flower Essences – along with affirmation, quotation around the energy and visualisation of the plant divas and its energy.
  • Powerful and concentrated breathwork. Focussing on the breath to move the energy. Allowing grounding, centredness, release.
  • Beautiful supportive and nurturing energy of crystals, rocks and shells make for a complete sensory experience and furthermore add to the healing treatment.

The Experience

Supported by a thorough pre and post consultation to compliment your treatment. This is a safe space for you to be able to express your feelings about any physical manifestations or emotional blocks. 

I strongly believe that the words that are spoken at our pre and post consultation are so vitally important as part of the release that we are aiming for. 

Set to a healing vibration in music and song. 

These sessions are deep. They have the ability to change your energy and your disposition. 

 I strongly suggest that clients are conscious in the days leading up to and post treatment around their diet, hydration, and mental thoughts. It is a conscious effort of supporting this practise and this bodywork treatment that will enrich and allow the full sense of healing to envelop ones being.

When you visit Tanya from Kupu Kupu it’s not just a lay on the table and the appointment starts. The healing process begins when Tanya takes the time listen and really hear what you are needing. It’s not just a massage but an experience of many of your senses.  Her therapeutic touch and experience show during the massage, as it helps you towards better physical and general health.  

It’s not just a job, it’s a passion, a belief system and that shines through between herself and her clientele. 

Tanya’s intuitive force has helped not only me, but it is helping to navigate my daughter’s needs. Her bush flower essences and intuitive guides are helping my daughter in setting her own intentions and aiding her growth. She is learning to both release what is no longer serving her and is also helping her in her physical growth. 

I am so grateful that Tanya has come into our lives, she has enriched us with her knowledge and is strengthening us in mind, body, and spirit.

Nicole M