Bush Flower Essences – Face to Face Consultation

(includes 20 mL Essence and supporting documentation)

The Offering

Open up to the vibrational energy of the flower divas of the Australian Bush Flower Essences, we work remotely with your set intention, and I devise through intuitive connection and testing, which essence or combination of essences will best suit your personalised set intention. 

If you seek physical connection, this face-to-face consultation will suit you as we work together to determine the most suitable combination which treats your personalised set intention. People sensitive to the energies really enjoy connecting into this offering. 

Connecting into your higher consciousness and heart space where all healing comes, from we work within your own boundaries.  There are several ways in which I do this depending on what resonates with your body at the time.

Devising an appropriate essence for your intention, it is then attuned and activated. Supporting documentation along with affirmation, quotes and visual connection through each of the selected flower divas is forwarded to you straight after your consultation. 

The aspect of each of the flowers healing properties can be tested against your set intention so the accuracy of the information or storyline that is unearthed can be truly amazing and every so interesting and intriguing. 

The energy is activated immediately.

The Healing

  • Face to face healings is suitable for any person, of any age.
  • I am also able to connect in with your animal’s energy or any environments where there is a block, resistance, or restriction.
  • Coming together and working with this energy is a great way to experience this powerful yet subtle and supportive vibrational healing modality.
  • I offer advice and follow up with every consultation booked.

30 minutes – $75
60 minutes – $110

The Experience

 Face to face consultation in a relaxed nurturing environment. 

20 ml Remedy should last approximately 2 weeks.

Have your essence created for you on the spot and take it home and use it immediately. 

Personalised connection and healing, suitable for all ages, animals, and environments.

We also can test to see if the option of a 30ml Essence is applicable and if a supportive Combination Essences is required, if so,  this will be an additional charge. 

Feel supported and guided by a Qualified Practitioner with over 25 years of experience with this modality.